How you will decide that given chemical compound has Hydrogen bonding or not

Tip  number 1 If chemical compound has  at least  1 element among  3 element (N, O, F)

Tip number 2 :    Among 3 element (N, O, F)  at   least one
 element directly attach with  H atom

Decision for Hydrogen bonding: 

If you find  both tip 1 and 2 then given compound will  must have H-bonding, if you do not find tip 1 and tip 2 then there will no H- bonding.

Example : 

H2O, HF, C2H5OH,  NH3, C5H5N,  C6H12O6

Note CF3 does not have H-bonding , because the  F atom in this compound is  not directly attached with H atom


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